
buenos tardes! so we had a pretty killer week here in acueducto, lots of cool stuff went down. on tuesday we had a mission conference here in morelia and it turned out to be way useful because after applying something we learned in the conference we were able to see a complete miracle, but ill tell you about that a lil later. but it was a good conference, i had to direct it so i was super nervous but as always it ended up great. 

but anyways so the big experience this past week was the baptism of mario. so we had decided last week we were going to give him a little more time and keep working with him with some addictions, but we were still a little bit unsure about it because he kept telling us how much he wanted to do it and stuff like that but we just werent really sure so we decided to play it safe and just postpone in a little bit. and so anyways in the conference there was a part dedicated to talking about repentance and stuff like that and it literally was like a light bulb turned on in my head that said ¨hey! you need to teach this to mario¨ and so i wrote it down and the next day we went to go teach him with this plan in mind. we had prayed before hand asking to be able to know if he was truly repented and ready to be baptized worthily and that if he was that the Lord would let us feel or just know in anyway what it was that he wanted us to do. and so we went and taught him and just had this super awesome lesson with him. i know the Lord heard and answered our prayer because the moment we sat down to talk with him the first words that came out of his mouth were ¨so, what do i need to do for my baptism this friday? whats left to do?¨and in that very instant we knew that he was ready. we talked with him and well sure enough in the end of it all he got baptized this past friday. he sent us a text yesterday telling us about how great hes been feeling lately and how hes just happy now, pure happiness. so i'm pretty stoked and feeling good about that. 

also we had a really sweet experience with this one sister this past week. so because we have like no one to teach right now were working a lot with the members, and so the other day right before the food appointment we decided to go to one more house and talk with a sister. so we show up to her and start talking to her and everything is going and were talking to her a little bit about the book of mormon and out of nowhere she starts to cry and we were like uh oh what happened and she begins to tell us about how shed had a really rough week and was just hating life at the moment and that she felt special knowing that we decided to go visit her and she new that the Lord had sent us to visit her a reason. it was really cool experience for me. i personally love the family of this sister, she and her husband remind me a ton of jason and nicole haha. 

but ya so it was a pretty eventful week. also elder solorzano completed 19 years and so the hna claudia took us out to dinner haha and i'm starting to learn french again, an investigator lent me some workbooks that she has. oh and i completed 18 months on friday. yikes dude! 6 more to go...i hope that all is going well on the home front and that youll be able to enjoy the 4th of july this week. go america! i love you all and have a great week!

with much love from mexico,

Elder Maccarthy

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